Santos Dumont Institute launches educational campaign to reduce absences from healthcare services

Posted in September 4, 2024

The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD), a social organization linked to the Ministry of Education, launched the campaign “Your absence is missed” on Monday (2) with the aim of reducing the rate of absences in the health services offered by the institution. The campaign was presented at the Anita Garibaldi Center for Education and Health Research (Anita), an ISD unit in Macaíba that concentrates the majority of services.

Absenteeism is a problem throughout the Unified Health System (SUS). A survey using data from the Health Departments of Brazilian capitals revealed that, last year, around 30% of scheduled appointments were not fulfilled, resulting in a waste of resources and increased waiting times for other patients.

At ISD, which provides support to the SUS in maternal and child health care and health for people with disabilities, the situation is no different. In August, 904 absences from scheduled appointments or services were recorded. This year, there have been more than 8,000 absences from around 31,000 appointments.

During the campaign launch, Camila Simão, Coordinator of the Specialized Rehabilitation Center (CER ISD), stressed to patients the importance of giving advance notice if they are unable to attend appointments or procedures. “This allows other patients to be seen, reduces waiting times, moves the queue and prevents our service from being idle,” Camila emphasized.

To raise awareness, a “Absentee Meter” was installed in the Anita hallway, which displays the accumulated number of absences each month, encouraging everyone to make an effort to reduce these numbers. In addition, the campaign reinforces the ISD contact channels, such as telephone and WhatsApp, which patients can use to report any absences.

This prior communication is essential to ensure the efficient operation of the service, maximizing the use of resources and allowing more people to be served in the shortest possible time. “The campaign 'Your absence is missed by someone' is an important initiative to reverse this situation of absences, improving the quality of health services offered and benefiting the entire community served”, stated Camila Simão.

Need to miss it? Cancel in advance

Appointments can be cancelled by phone, on the numbers (84) 4042-0044 or 4042-0033. It is also possible to contact the ISD via WhatsApp, on the number (84) 99155-3027, exclusively for text messages.

The justification for the absence must be made up to 24 hours before the scheduled date. Last-minute cancellations will be evaluated individually. If there are more than three consecutive absences without justification, the user may lose the place, according to the ISD absence policy.

About ISD

The Santos Dumont Institute is a social organization linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC) and includes the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience and the Anita Garibaldi Center for Education and Research in Health, both located in Macaíba. The ISD's mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions, contributing to a more just and humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

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Santos Dumont Institute launches educational campaign to reduce absences from healthcare services

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