CEPS holds an event on violence against women in Macaíba (RN)

Posted in November 23, 2016

CEPS holds event on violence against women in Macaíba


By: Ariane Mondo – Ascom/ISD

Photos: Ariane Mondo and Luiz Paulo Juttel – Ascom ISD

The 2015 Violence map brings comparative data from Brazilian states and between 2006 and 2013 Rio Grande do Norte reached the mark of 97.6% in the homicide rate of women (per 100 thousand inhabitants), second only to the state of Roraima , with 131.3% in the female homicide rate (per 100,000 inhabitants).

Thinking about the importance of discussing this topic, the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD), through the Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center (CEPS), promoted on November 22, at the Pax Clube de Macaíba (RN), the event open to the community entitled: “To end violence against women – Coping strategies”. This meeting took place in connection with the International Day of Non-Violence against Women, celebrated annually on November 25th. (Check out the photos HERE)

Reginaldo Freitas Júnior and Macaíba authorities at the opening of the event

Newspaper headlines, videos and theatrical presentations triggered reflections in working groups. All those present spoke about the type of violence against women they had recognized in the situations presented and shared their opinions with the audience. Afterwards, guests who work in the legal, health and assistance areas made presentations on existing strategies to combat domestic violence and against women.

Reginaldo Freitas Junior, director of teaching and research at ISD, informed those present about the functioning of the assistance service for victims of sexual violence in Macaíba, offered from this year by CEPS.

Danielle de Carvalho Fernandes, holder of the 4th Public Prosecutor's Office of the District of Macaíba, spoke about the Maria da Penha Law and about the work carried out in the reflective group of men, organized by NAMVID (Núcleo de Apoio à Mulher Vítima de Violência). These men are condemned by the Maria da Penha Law and participation in activities is part of serving the sentence imposed. This is one of the first groups of this nature in Brazil and now serves as a model for Public Ministries in other states.

Cassia Castilho Marotti, a social worker and specialist in Socio-Legal Assistance and Public Security, spoke about the investigation and monitoring service for reports of violence in the municipality of Macaíba.

Edvania Freitas de Lima, a specialist in public family care policies and Technical Advisor to the Municipal Department of Labor and Social Assistance (Semtas), from Macaíba, spoke about the actions carried out in the municipality by the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (CREAS), including the project “More love please”, which assists and welcomes families in situations of violence.

alarming data

Audience attentive to discussions

*One of the main guidance channels for victims of violence against women, the Dial 180, received 364,627 complaints in the first half of 2015 across the country and in the same period of 2016 this number reached 555,634 complaints, which represents an increase of 133% in one year.

*Unprecedented research carried out by the Institute for Applied Economic Research (Ipea) shows the estimated occurrence of more than 50,000 femicides between 2001 and 2011: that is, on average, 5,664 deaths of women from violent causes each year, 472 each month , 15.52 each day, or one death every 1h30.

*Data from the 2014-2015 annual report of UN Women mentions that 50% of women around the world have a paid job, however they earn between 10% and 30% less than men to perform the same functions.

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CEPS holds an event on violence against women in Macaíba (RN)

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