Carolina Damásio, infectologista do ISD _ Foto ASCOM ISD (1)
RN does not reach the childhood immunization coverage goal for any of the routine vaccines since 2018
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Agosto Dourado tem o objetivo de incentivar a amamentação
Golden August 2022 brings debate about the importance of educating about breastfeeding; RN Milk Banks ask for donations
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Nova linha de cuidado do ISD tem como objetivo promover inclusão social, educacional e melhoria da qualidade de vida das pessoas com deficiência visual
ISD inicia atendimento ao público na Linha de Atenção e Cuidado em Reabilitação da Pessoa com Deficiência Visual
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A reunião contou com a presença de coordenadores de CER de todo o RN
ISD hosts a meeting with Specialized Rehabilitation Centers in RN to discuss the family-centered care model
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O mestrando em Neuroengenharia Mário Ayres foi um dos que tiveram projetos aprovados no Centelha
Six projects by ISD students and alumni are approved in the first phase of the Centelha Program, from MCTI
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O evento contará com debates, e vai acontecer das 9h às 12h
ISD hosts activities open to the public on Black, Latino and Caribbean Women's Day; learn how to participate
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Foram produzidos móbiles e foi feita uma leitura de história para estimular o desenvolvimento infantil
Projeto Barriguda resumes face-to-face activities in the quilombola community of Capoeiras
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Foto Clínica TEA ISD
By analyzing brain cells, researchers in RN discover changes that can help understand autism
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WhatsApp Image 2022-07-15 at 10.48
ISD receives homage at the Legislative Assembly in a solemn session on the 60th anniversary of the regulation of Psychology in Brazil
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Maria Eduarda Franklin é Neuroengenheira pelo ISD
Company created by former ISD student is approved for the second phase of the Northeast Paraíba Startup Program
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