ISD holds a course for parents and caregivers of autistic children
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ISD recebe o cavalo ‘Loirinho’ para uso na equoterapia - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD receives the horse 'Loirinho', donated by ABQM and Ande Brasil, for use in equine therapy
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ISD abre vagas para assistente e auxiliar administrativo_ veja como se inscrever - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD extends registration for administrative assistant vacancy; salary of R$ 2,172.91
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​​ISD abre vagas para áreas administrativa e da saúde; veja como se inscrever - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD opens vacancies for administrative and health areas; see how to apply
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After two terms, Miguel Nicolelis bids farewell to the presidency of the Board of Directors of ISD
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ISD abre vagas para profissionais de saúde - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD opens vacancies for pediatricians, child neurologists and sonographers; see how to apply
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Carolina Evangelista (de blusa laranja) e seus colegas de laboratório na Alemanha
From Macaíba to the world: neuroengineers trained by ISD gain space in universities abroad
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​ISD promove curso sobre Esporte Adaptado para educadores físicos de Macaíba - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD promotes a course on Adapted Sport for physical educators in Macaíba
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Santos Dumont Institute opens 04 vacancies for research and development support technicians; see how to sign up
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ISD abre seleção para estágio em Comunicação Social; veja como se inscrever - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD opens selection for internship in Social Communication; see how to apply
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