WhatsApp Image 2021-05-06 at 10.52
ISD action to reduce maternal mortality in NB is featured live on TV Tropical
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artigo ss
Scientific magazine highlights ISD article on the implications of the pandemic for families and the performance of Social Work
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ISD and MEC resume negotiations to renew contract
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Maria Carolina Gonzalez - Foto Kamila Tuenia
From the dream of becoming a judge when she grew up to studies that try to decipher memory in Brazil: Meet ISD professor-researcher Maria Carolina Gonzalez
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NeuroTalks: New ISD science outreach page features videos and summaries explaining neuroscience
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WhatsApp Image 2020-12-10 at 11.44
NeuroTalks: IIN-ELS/ISD opens selection of works on neurosciences for online platform
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IIN-ELS abre seleção do mestrado em neuroengenharia
Master in neuroengineering launches public notice and receives applications until January 17
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Como a covid19 pode afetar o cérebro - capa
How Covid-19 affects the brain: Report by O Povo with ISD explains
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Profissionais de saúde do Brasil durante a pandemia de Covid-19_pesquisa Instituto Santos Dumont_capa
Covid-19: ISD survey maps health professionals in the pandemic and wants to propose solutions
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Estudos mostram revolução da Realidade Virtual na área da saúde
ISD research with Virtual Reality innovates in health and is featured in Jornal Nacional
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