Educação Permanente_Pronas e ISD
ISD and Pronas/PcD conduct training on intellectual disability and autism for professionals from rehabilitation centers in the RN
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Simpósio Neuroengenharia ISD (2)
ISD brings together national and international speakers at the eighth edition of the Neuroengineering Symposium
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Assembleia do PAX no ISD
Governor Fátima Bezerra participates in an extraordinary PAX meeting at the Santos Dumont Institute
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ISD signs an agreement with UERN to receive medical students in a program that combines clinical practice with scientific research
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Reunião CAACG (2)
ISD receives evaluation of the Semester Report of the Commission for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Management Contract
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Dia Mundial da Espinha Bífida do ISD
Children and adolescents are the protagonists of ISD actions in the month of October
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ISD and Sesap promote ongoing education on comprehensive care for people in situations of sexual violence
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Adolescentes LMIJ
ISD holds awareness event about World Spina Bifida Day at Parque das Dunas
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Na ordem, da esquerda para a direita - Renata Rocha, Cecília de Britto, Celina Reis e Clécio da Silva
ISD professionals participate in a conversation at UFRN about family networks in the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Fachada do Instituto do Cérebro
Professor at the UFRN Brain Institute is a confirmed speaker at the VIII Neuroengineering Symposium
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