ISD recebe o cavalo ‘Loirinho’ para uso na equoterapia - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD receives the horse 'Loirinho', donated by ABQM and Ande Brasil, for use in equine therapy
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Carolina Evangelista (de blusa laranja) e seus colegas de laboratório na Alemanha
From Macaíba to the world: neuroengineers trained by ISD gain space in universities abroad
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Mortalidade materna aumenta no RN - Foto Ascom ISD (3)
In five years, maternal mortality increases by 40,12% in Rio Grande do Norte
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A partir das amostras de vídeo, os pesquisadores conseguem identificar de forma automatizada o comportamento executado pelos animais
ISD researchers create open source tool to automate animal behavior data analysis
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O professor-pesquisador do ISD, André Dantas, coordena o projeto
ISD researchers develop electrical stimulator with control system to assist in rehabilitation
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Carolina Damásio, infectologista; Sabrinna Machado e Ruy Medeiros Jr
ISD professionals exhibit papers at the 40th Brazilian Congress of Pediatrics
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Curso sobre uso da tecnologia fNIRS para pesquisas científicas
ISD promotes a lecture on Neuroengineering in partnership with the Metrópole Digital Institute of UFRN; learn how to apply
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ISD recebe cavalos doados pela Ande Brasil e ABQM para uso na equoterapia - Foto Ascom ISD
ISD receives horses donated by Ande Brasil and ABQM for use in equine therapy
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Modalidade terapêutica é realizada com crianças com TEA e visa estimular o desenvolvimento
Hippotherapy: learn about the modality that has helped in the development of children with autism
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Defesa TCR - Juciara Gomes
ISD begins presentations of final papers for the 3rd Group of the Multiprofessional Residency
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