WhatsApp Image 2021-10-01 at 13.41
Wheelchair users assisted at ISD visit the Ferreiro Torto Museum and discuss accessibility
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WhatsApp Image 2021-10-01 at 16.14
ISD simulates care for people in situations of sexual violence with medical students
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Parents of children with autism assisted at ISD learn to use an alternative communication book
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Thainá da Silva Lourenço, 20 anos, é uma mulher com deficiência causada por lesão medular e está grávida de oito meses _ Foto Ascom ISD
Lack of structure and prejudice are common in the daily lives of people with disabilities
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ISD capacita enfermeiras de Macaíba para assistência ao pré-natal de alto risco
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ISD implementa serviço ambulatorial multiprofissional pioneiro no RN para tratamento da espasticidade (1)
ISD implements a pioneering multidisciplinary outpatient service in the RN for the treatment of spasticity
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Números de suicídios aumentam 11,06% no Rio Grande do Norte em 2020
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WhatsApp Image 2021-09-01 at 12.26
ISD resumes partnership with Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí for the use of equine therapy in patients
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Capacitação OPAS zero morte materna
ISD participa de capacitação para redução da mortalidade materna por hemorragia
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WhatsApp Image 2021-08-24 at 14.44
Mothers participate in a workshop to create extension orthoses at ISD
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