Horse donated to ISD allows expansion of Potiguar Equine Therapy

Posted in March 1, 2018

Project team and practitioners Potiguar Riding Therapy celebrate the arrival of Dominó, a horse donated in February by the doctor and businessman Delfin Gonzalez. In the year 2017, Gonzalez visited the Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center (CEPS), and was delighted with the equine therapy work carried out by this unit of Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) in partnership with Agricultural School of Jundiaí (EAJ), from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The donation came as a result of the businessman's passion for horses, combined with the belief in the therapeutic potential provided by the animal-practitioner interaction.

Dominó joins the EAJ cavalry, in Macaíba (RN), where equine therapy takes place for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assisted at CEPS. With more horses available for practice, the Equotherapy Potiguar project will be expanded, which will allow the care of seven more children with ASD.

Riding therapy practitioner with horse Dominó and Samantha Maranhão

Samantha Maranhão, multidisciplinary preceptor and neuropsychologist at Multidisciplinary Care Service for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (SEMEA/CEPS), states that the donation of the horse Dominó is great news for the project and says that, due to the high demand for this therapeutic modality, the CEPS team will adopt some procedures for the inclusion of new people in the project: “We are very grateful for another donation that arrives at Potiguar Riding Therapy! New SEMEA/CEPS patients will be evaluated normally by the multidisciplinary team and based on pre-established clinical criteria, they may be referred for equine therapy. However, due to the limitation in the number of consultations in the project, we will hold a public lottery to include new users diagnosed with ASD in Potiguar Riding Therapy”, clarifies the neuropsychologist.

Information on public draws will be made available on the ISD website:

Text: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

Photos: Ariane Mondo – Ascom ISD and Equotherapy Potiguar Disclosure

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)

Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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Horse donated to ISD allows expansion of Potiguar Equine Therapy

Project team and practitioners Potiguar Riding Therapy celebrate the arrival of Dominó, a horse donated in February by the doctor and businessman Delfin Gonzalez. In the year 2017, Gonzalez visited the Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center (CEPS), and was delighted with the equine therapy work carried out by this unit of Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) in partnership with Agricultural School of Jundiaí (EAJ), from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The donation came as a result of the businessman's passion for horses, combined with the belief in the therapeutic potential provided by the animal-practitioner interaction.

Dominó joins the EAJ cavalry, in Macaíba (RN), where equine therapy takes place for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) assisted at CEPS. With more horses available for practice, the Equotherapy Potiguar project will be expanded, which will allow the care of seven more children with ASD.

Riding therapy practitioner with horse Dominó and Samantha Maranhão

Samantha Maranhão, multidisciplinary preceptor and neuropsychologist at Multidisciplinary Care Service for Autistic Spectrum Disorder (SEMEA/CEPS), states that the donation of the horse Dominó is great news for the project and says that, due to the high demand for this therapeutic modality, the CEPS team will adopt some procedures for the inclusion of new people in the project: “We are very grateful for another donation that arrives at Potiguar Riding Therapy! New SEMEA/CEPS patients will be evaluated normally by the multidisciplinary team and based on pre-established clinical criteria, they may be referred for equine therapy. However, due to the limitation in the number of consultations in the project, we will hold a public lottery to include new users diagnosed with ASD in Potiguar Riding Therapy”, clarifies the neuropsychologist.

Information on public draws will be made available on the ISD website:

Text: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

Photos: Ariane Mondo – Ascom ISD and Equotherapy Potiguar Disclosure

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)

Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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