CECs team participates in Teacher Training Seminar at UFRN

Posted in July 29, 2017

The pedagogical advisor for Scientific Education Centers (CECs/ISD)Rachel Dantas, and the coordinator of the CECs Manager Training Program, Guilherme Lopes, gave the opening lecture of the Teacher Training Seminar held on June 27, 2017, by Early Childhood Education Center (NEI), linked to Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). They addressed the topic “Teacher training, media and technologies in scientific education” for teachers and pedagogy students enrolled in the improvement course offered by NEI/UFRN and researching the areas of education and media.

Rachel Dantas and Guilherme Lopes, from CECs.

Rachel explained the pedagogical principles of the CECs project, highlighting the activities aimed at elementary school II students in public schools and also those related to the training of managers promoted by the CECs in Rio Grande do Norte. The educator explained that in the CECs workshops, scientific content is always worked on taking into account the students' reality: “By working in this way as we do in the CECs, it is possible to develop students' critical awareness. It is a principle of citizenship formation”, she states.

Guilherme mentioned that technologies and media are always present in CECs workshops and reflected on the great transformations we have seen in recent times related to freedom of expression and the use of new media. For the educator, it is important to address and discuss these issues at school, as students are accustomed to dealing with technologies and electronic devices from a very early age and educators must seek to use these tools in the best way possible.

Rachel considers it very important to participate in this type of event to talk about the CECs' pedagogical project and also to get to know other educators and their work, in addition to strengthening ties with the UFRN community, a partner in several actions of the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) .

Text and Photos: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)

Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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CECs team participates in Teacher Training Seminar at UFRN

The pedagogical advisor for Scientific Education Centers (CECs/ISD)Rachel Dantas, and the coordinator of the CECs Manager Training Program, Guilherme Lopes, gave the opening lecture of the Teacher Training Seminar held on June 27, 2017, by Early Childhood Education Center (NEI), linked to Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). They addressed the topic “Teacher training, media and technologies in scientific education” for teachers and pedagogy students enrolled in the improvement course offered by NEI/UFRN and researching the areas of education and media.

Rachel Dantas and Guilherme Lopes, from CECs.

Rachel explained the pedagogical principles of the CECs project, highlighting the activities aimed at elementary school II students in public schools and also those related to the training of managers promoted by the CECs in Rio Grande do Norte. The educator explained that in the CECs workshops, scientific content is always worked on taking into account the students' reality: “By working in this way as we do in the CECs, it is possible to develop students' critical awareness. It is a principle of citizenship formation”, she states.

Guilherme mentioned that technologies and media are always present in CECs workshops and reflected on the great transformations we have seen in recent times related to freedom of expression and the use of new media. For the educator, it is important to address and discuss these issues at school, as students are accustomed to dealing with technologies and electronic devices from a very early age and educators must seek to use these tools in the best way possible.

Rachel considers it very important to participate in this type of event to talk about the CECs' pedagogical project and also to get to know other educators and their work, in addition to strengthening ties with the UFRN community, a partner in several actions of the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) .

Text and Photos: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)

Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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