Study of the environment of CEC Natal takes students to know the routine of IIN-ELS scientists

Posted in September 21, 2017

On the 11th, 12th and 18th of September students from Science Education Center (CEC) from Natal-RN visited the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience (IIN-ELS), in Macaíba-RN, with a big question: what does a scientist do? The students in the Science and Chemistry and Science and Robotics workshops carried out this study of the environment in which they were able to observe how the teaching areas studied in the workshops contribute to carrying out scientific research and the impact of this on the transformation of society.

CEC Natal students were received by the coordinator of the IIN-ELS Postgraduate Program, Fabricio Brazil, and also by master's students in Neuroengineering and Scientific Initiation students. During the visit, students and educators from the CEC Natal workshops were able to better understand the routine of a scientist, learn about equipment that helps research and try out virtual reality technological devices.

Master's student in Neuroengineering explains about manufacturing microelectrodes
Master's student explains the functioning and use of the Zero G equipment

A few days before, the educators discussed the topic with the students so that they could develop questions to be asked and also understand the importance of studying the environment, highlighting that it is not limited to a simple walk, but a way of building knowledge outside the environment. school. At this stage, working groups were organized and the objectives and plans for the study of the environment were discussed. In the following classes, after the visit, the students systematized what they learned. The student Josian Felipe, 13 years old, from the science and chemistry workshop, reported: “For us it was important to get to know the Neuroscience Institute and it was a unique experience. We learned about new technologies, lines of research and saw a little of what happens in the laboratories”.

Back at CEC Natal, students debated and wrote about the experience and lessons learned. In the photo, Science and Chemistry workshop

One of the groups from the Science and Robotics workshop reported that the study of the environment was very important, because the CEC Natal students had the chance to get to know the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience, understand a little about the day-to-day life of a scientist and learn how robotics contributes to their work and research. Furthermore, the students also understood how the scientist's job contributes to society. The other reports are displayed on murals in the common areas of CEC Natal, accessible to students from other workshops.

More images can be seen on our Facebook fan page HERE.

Text and photos: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD

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Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.

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Study of the environment of CEC Natal takes students to know the routine of IIN-ELS scientists

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