Multidisciplinary Residency in Health Care for Persons with Disabilities receives registrations until 12/18

Posted in December 11, 2020
The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD), a Social Organization linked to the Ministry of Education based in Macaíba (RN), will receive until next Friday (18) registrations for the selection of the Multiprofessional Residency in Health Care for Persons with Disabilities – the first Residence in Brazil dedicated to the integral care of this public. 
Eight vacancies will be offered for the areas of physiotherapy, social work, psychology and speech therapy, with activities starting on March 1, 2020. The resident has the Specialized Center for Physical, Hearing and Intellectual Rehabilitation (CER III) of the Education and Health Research Anita Garibaldi, from ISD, as the main practice scenario and receives a monthly work grant with a gross amount of R$ 3,330.43, paid by the Ministry of Health.
The selection includes objective tests and analysis of the lattes curriculum. O notice and the application form are published online, on the page 
Approved in 2017 by the Ministry of Education, the Multiprofessional Residency in Health Care for People with Disabilities encourages, over the two-year course, the understanding of the physical, psychological and social dimensions of health care for people with disabilities. 
Aspects around Parkinson's Disease, the reality of girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and language profile in the largest quilombola community in Rio Grande do Norte were some of the subjects addressed in the Residency Completion Works (TCRs) of the first group, who had graduation in early November. 
Master's in Neuroengineering
While applications for the Residence reach the final stretch, in the master's degree in neuroengineering from the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neurosciences (IIN-ELS/ISD, it is possible to apply until January 17th.
The two graduate programs are pioneers in Brazil and have attracted professionals from all regions of the country to train in Rio Grande do Norte.  
There are 10 vacancies available for the master's degree – one of which is reserved for professors and employees of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) – with the possibility of scholarships from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) or from the Institute. can apply for program selection process of Master's graduates in the areas of health, engineering or biology. 

The announcement (available on the page provides for the analysis of documents such as letters of intent, letters of recommendation, curriculum lattes and academic transcripts. For those who pass this stage, there will also be the elimination and classification phase of interviews.
The IIN-EL/ISD master's degree in Neuroengineering was the first in the country approved by Capes in this area of knowledge. The course does not charge a monthly fee and lasts up to two years. 

Neuroengineering is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates neuroscience and engineering methods to study the functioning of the nervous system and develop solutions for the limitations and dysfunctions associated with it.
Researchers and students have developed technologies to create, for example, cheaper prostheses for amputees, new less invasive and less costly forms of therapy for Parkinson's patients, research with microscopy and cytology, and the use of virtual reality and augmented reality for the rehabilitation of paraplegic and quadriplegic patients.
Further information about the Multiprofessional Residency, the Master in Neuroengineering and the selection processes can be obtained from the ISD Academic Secretariat by email ( / or phone (84) 99127-6085, from 8 am to 12 pm or from 1 pm to 4:30 pm.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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Multidisciplinary Residency in Health Care for Persons with Disabilities receives registrations until 12/18

The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD), a Social Organization linked to the Ministry of Education based in Macaíba (RN), will receive until next Friday (18) registrations for the selection of the Multiprofessional Residency in Health Care for Persons with Disabilities – the first Residence in Brazil dedicated to the integral care of this public. 
Eight vacancies will be offered for the areas of physiotherapy, social work, psychology and speech therapy, with activities starting on March 1, 2020. The resident has the Specialized Center for Physical, Hearing and Intellectual Rehabilitation (CER III) of the Education and Health Research Anita Garibaldi, from ISD, as the main practice scenario and receives a monthly work grant with a gross amount of R$ 3,330.43, paid by the Ministry of Health.
The selection includes objective tests and analysis of the lattes curriculum. O notice and the application form are published online, on the page 
Approved in 2017 by the Ministry of Education, the Multiprofessional Residency in Health Care for People with Disabilities encourages, over the two-year course, the understanding of the physical, psychological and social dimensions of health care for people with disabilities. 
Aspects around Parkinson's Disease, the reality of girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and language profile in the largest quilombola community in Rio Grande do Norte were some of the subjects addressed in the Residency Completion Works (TCRs) of the first group, who had graduation in early November. 
Master's in Neuroengineering
While applications for the Residence reach the final stretch, in the master's degree in neuroengineering from the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neurosciences (IIN-ELS/ISD, it is possible to apply until January 17th.
The two graduate programs are pioneers in Brazil and have attracted professionals from all regions of the country to train in Rio Grande do Norte.  
There are 10 vacancies available for the master's degree – one of which is reserved for professors and employees of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) – with the possibility of scholarships from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) or from the Institute. can apply for program selection process of Master's graduates in the areas of health, engineering or biology. 

The announcement (available on the page provides for the analysis of documents such as letters of intent, letters of recommendation, curriculum lattes and academic transcripts. For those who pass this stage, there will also be the elimination and classification phase of interviews.
The IIN-EL/ISD master's degree in Neuroengineering was the first in the country approved by Capes in this area of knowledge. The course does not charge a monthly fee and lasts up to two years. 

Neuroengineering is an interdisciplinary research area that integrates neuroscience and engineering methods to study the functioning of the nervous system and develop solutions for the limitations and dysfunctions associated with it.
Researchers and students have developed technologies to create, for example, cheaper prostheses for amputees, new less invasive and less costly forms of therapy for Parkinson's patients, research with microscopy and cytology, and the use of virtual reality and augmented reality for the rehabilitation of paraplegic and quadriplegic patients.
Further information about the Multiprofessional Residency, the Master in Neuroengineering and the selection processes can be obtained from the ISD Academic Secretariat by email ( / or phone (84) 99127-6085, from 8 am to 12 pm or from 1 pm to 4:30 pm.

Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880

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