The psychology team at Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center (CEPS) this month carried out actions related to the Yellow September campaign. Since 2015, Yellow September began in Brazil as a form of social awareness about suicide prevention. We are the 8th country in the world in absolute number of suicides and every hour one person dies as a result of this reality. These data place suicide as a public health issue. Despite this, this is still an issue in which prejudice and lack of information feed taboos that often silence requests for help. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of suicide cases can be prevented if accompanied by voluntary or professional help. For these reasons, understanding that the phenomenon crosses all audiences, the psychology team considers it important to address the topic also in the context of the health of people with disabilities and not just in September, but every day.

How are you doing? If you need support, call CVV. Dial 188.
The Life Valorization Center (CVV) provides emotional support and suicide prevention. The service is provided voluntarily and free of charge to all people who want and need to talk, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the information shared. The service is available 24 hours a day, whether by email, chat or telephone (dial 188). CVV – Center for Valuing Life. (2018). The CVV. Available in: