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Health Care Work

Health Care Work

Health Care Work

The Santos Dumont Institute has been operating in health care for almost 10 years, exclusively via the Unified Health System (SUS), offering several practical scenarios for academic activities and mandatory curricular internship for courses in the health area and related areas.
The performance includes the areas of high-risk prenatal care; Infectology in pregnancy; Specialized Assistance Service for children living with HIV/AIDS; fetal medicine; Identification and Early Stimulation Ambulatory and the Center Specialized in Rehabilitation IV, which works with the rehabilitation of people with physical, visual, auditory and intellectual disabilities.
ISD's health actions prioritize the integration between health care and research activities, as well as the integration between teaching, service and community. 

care lines

ISD health care takes place through lines of care. They are formed by multidisciplinary teams aimed at offering specialized care and with an integrated look at the user and his health condition. 
ISD care lines are aimed at residents of the 7th Health Region of Rio Grande do Norte, comprising the municipalities of Natal, Macaíba, Extremoz, Parnamirim and São Gonçalo do Amarante. In order to meet some of the main gaps in care in the RN, some of our lines of care have state coverage. 
Check below the specific inclusion criteria for each line of care:

Outpatient clinic for pregnant women who undergo high-risk prenatal care. follow-up on fetal medicine and cases of infectology with risk of vertical transmission to the baby with state coverage. Children are also monitored in specialized consultations for neurodevelopment.

Individuals of all ages diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

Individuals over 17 years of age with paraplegia as a result of Spinal Cord Injury; for residents of Macaíba/RN, the Clinic also includes users with tetraparesis.

Children and adolescents from 0 to 16 years of age with congenital or acquired spinal cord injury. For users linked to the Neurinho Association, there is no territorial restriction (state coverage).

Children aged 0 to 5 years with congenital microcephaly. For users linked to the Neurinho Association, there is no territorial restriction (state coverage).

Children from 0 to 3 years old who were born with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks and high perinatal risk for neurological disorders (neonatal hypoxia, low birth weight, small for gestational age, periventricular hemorrhage, among other risk factors).

Children at risk for neuropsychomotor development monitored by the Maternal-Child Ambulatory of Anita residents of Macaíba.

Children from 0 to 12 years old with bladder and bowel disorders for diagnostic investigation and therapeutic management of neurogenic bladder and bowel (state coverage), for users of other specialized clinics of CER ISD there is no age limitation.

Children from 0 to 5 years old with suspected or confirmed diagnosis of ASD for early stimulation, with priority for residents of Macaíba. 

Individuals of all ages with drug-resistant epilepsy – that is, those who take two or more medications for more than 6 months and continue to have epileptic seizures – (state coverage).

Hearing impaired individuals of all ages for hearing testing and auditory rehabilitation.

Hearing tests performed:

  • Little ear test (otoacoustic emissions); 
  • BAEP (Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential);
  • Tone and vocal audiometry;
  • Imitanciometry;
  • VRA (Visual Reinforcement Audiometry);
  • Insertion gain;
  • Acuphenometry (exam indicated to measure the frequency and intensity of tinnitus);

People of all ages, with blindness or low vision. 

The ISD is recognized as a Paralympic Reference Center by the Brazilian Paralympic Center. The parasports care line receives people from 6 years of age for training in the modalities of boules and para-athletics.

Appointment scheduling and screening

First-time appointments are directed to the CER ISD Triage and must be scheduled by calling (84) 4042-0044 and (84) 4042-0033.
The screening of the CER ISD happens in remote format, according to the needs and ease of access of the users. On the day of the teleconsultation, the user must send copies of the documents listed below:
  • Reference Sheet;
  • CPF;
  • Identity Document;
  • SUS card;
  • Proof of address.

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