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Management Agreement with MEC and Transfers

Management Agreement with MEC and Transfers

Management Agreement with MEC and Transfers

Instituto Santos Dumont (ISD) is a Social Organization supervised by the Ministry of Education (MEC). The resources, attributions and responsibilities of both institutions in this partnership, as well as the forms of control over the performance of activities, are regulated by a Management Agreement (GC).

The CG allows defining and adopting action strategies that offer ISD the best conditions to achieve the agreed performance indicators and targets. In addition, the performance monitoring institutional through the Management Contract allows identifying the need to agree on new goals or revise the volume of expected resources (Additive Terms).

An OS uses the CG as a guide for carrying out its activities, although it has managerial autonomy, administrative and financial management of resources and public goods received. It is up to the State to supervise, through competent bodies, the proper use of public resources allocated to these institutions.


The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) manages resources from the Government, through a Management Contract (GC) with the Ministry of Education (MEC), and is guided by the constitutional principles of Public Administration. In 2021, the CG was renewed for the 2021 – 2030 cycle, with a forecast of 203.7 million for the next 10 years of the Contract. 

The resources were transferred in installments distributed as follows:

2021 :

Forecast: R$ 18.5 million

Receipt: R$ 18.5 million


Forecast: R$ 18.5 million

Receipt: R$ 18.5 million


Forecast: R$ 18.5 million

Receipt: R$ 18.5 million


Forecast: R$ 19.6 million

Receipt: R$ 19.6 million

2021 - 2030

Machete DOWNLOAD of the document that formalizes the partnership between ISD and MEC, describing purposes and obligations

Access the Additive Terms of the Management Agreement with the Ministry of Education: 

1st Additive Term, 2nd Amendment, 3rd Amendment.

Publications in the Official Gazette of the Union:

1st, 2nd, 3rd.

2014 - 2021

Machete DOWNLOAD of the document that formalized the partnership between ISD and MEC, describing purposes and obligations.


Download the transfer table of the 2014-2021 Management Contract.

Access the Additive Terms of the Management Agreement with the Ministry of Education: 

1th (+ ANNEX V), 2th, 3th4th5th6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th.


visit the PAGE with reports linked to the ISD Management Contract with the Ministry of Education.

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