On Tuesday, September 13th, ISD published notices to fill four vacancies for multi-professional preceptors at the Institute. An ophthalmologist, a speech therapist, a nutritionist and a clinical psychologist will be selected. For all vacancies, the available working hours are from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm, at a time to be defined. Professionals interested in any of the vacancies must register using the form at the following link: https://forms.gle/SDhzV4P5ZSzbnuV37. The vacancies offered are also extended to people with disabilities (PWD).
For information on salaries, desirable requirements and functions of each vacancy, consult the notices at the following link: https://institutosantosdumont.org.br/oportunidades-carreira/
mandatory documents
- Curriculum lattes updated in 2022, in PDF file;
– Letter of interest describing your motivation to work at ISD, as well as why the profile is suitable for the position and how you can contribute to the Institution;
– Registration period – 13/09 to 19/09/2022
– Convocation, by email, of those approved for the 2nd phase – 09/22/2022
– 2nd phase (interviews) – 26/09 to 27/09/2022
– Result (only for the selected person’s email) – 09/29/2022
Text: Naomi Lamarck/ Ascom – ISD
Photograph: Ascom – ISD
Communication Office
(84) 99416-1880
Santos Dumont Institute (ISD)
It is a Social Organization linked to the Ministry of Education (MEC) and includes the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neurosciences and the Anita Garibaldi Health Education and Research Center, both in Macaíba. ISD's mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions, in addition to contributing to a fairer and more humane transformation of Brazilian social reality.