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Enrollment in the Master in Neuroengineering

Enrollment in the Master in Neuroengineering

Enrollment in the Master in Neuroengineering

The registration period for disciplines of the Postgraduate Program in Neuroengineering at IIN-ELS/ISD (PPGN) is established twice a year, at the beginning of each academic semester. Enrollment is done by completing and submitting an online form.

The deadline for enrollment in semester 2025.1 is from March 10 to 14, 2025.

After submitting the form, enrollment requests for regular students will be approved by their advisors, then by the professors responsible for each subject.

The final result will be announced by 03/17/2025.

Until then, all students can attend classes normally.

Regular Students

Regular students of the Postgraduate Program in Neuroengineering (PPGN) of the IIN-ELS must initially consult their respective advisors about which disciplines to study and then submit the request using the specific form below. Even students who will not be taking courses in the current semester need to enroll in order to preserve their bond with the Program. In this case, they must mark the discipline “Dissertation” in the registration form.

Special Students

The Program accepts students in the condition of Special in their disciplines, and the approval of the candidate's enrollment will be up to the professor of the discipline and does not characterize a link with the PPGN. Students currently enrolled in undergraduate courses or holding a diploma issued by a Brazilian or foreign higher education institution are eligible to apply for special student vacancies. Special students from previous semesters must complete a new form each semester.


PPGN offers training to regular students of the program to teach and guide you on the best ways to work in the institute's laboratories. Please note that training does not generate certificates. It is possible to enroll special students. Such enrollment is subject to approval by the professional responsible for training, and does not constitute a link with the Institute.

Syllabus of disciplines

The syllabi of all PPGN disciplines can be consulted on Capes' Sucupira Platform:


Direct link: https://sucupira.capes.gov.br/sucupira/public/consultations/collection/discipline/Disciplinalist.jsf

– Program: Neuroengineering

*Terms and schedules of disciplines are subject to change. More information can be obtained from the ISD Research and Postgraduate Secretariat by email secretaria.academica@isd.org.br.

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