The CEP/ISD is made up of nine full members and nine substitutes. The work is carried out voluntarily and independently, in mandates lasting three years. The objective: to defend the interests of research participants in their integrity and dignity, contributing to the development of research within ethical standards. Check out who the current members are below.
Caroline Cunha do Espirito Santo - Physiotherapist
Larissa Ramalho Dantas Varella Dutra - Physiotherapist DEPUTY COORDINATOR
André Felipe Oliveira de Azevedo Dantas - Engineer
Luana Cecília Farache Lemos Leal - Physiotherapist
Daniele Caroline Leôncio Ferreira - Psychologist
Andressa Radiske – Biomedical
Carolina Araújo Damásio Santos - Doctor
Fabricio Lima Brazil - Engineer
Jeciane Fernandes Gomes de Barros – Research Participant Representative
Maria Clara Eugênia de Oliveira – Physiotherapist
Fabiola Rodrigues from France Campos – Physiotherapist
Gabriel Alves Vasiljevic Mendes - Computer scientist
Fabio Ricardo de Oliveira Galvao - Occupational Therapist
Samantha Santos Albuquerque Maranhão – Psychologist
Ramon Hypolito Lima – Biologist
Hougelle Simplicio Gomes Pereira - Doctor
Felipe Porto Fiuza – Biologist
Roberto Alves Sobrinho – Research Participant Representative
Vítor de Oliveira e Silva – Engineer