On January 26, the Master's student in Neuroengineering at the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neurosciences (IIN-ELS), Camille Reátegui, took over as effective teacher of basic, technical and technological education at the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte ( IFRN). The IIN-ELS master's student will teach in the technical course on biomedical equipment at the IFRN. Camille is a control and automation engineer from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás and a specialist in clinical engineering from the University of Administrative Studies, in Minas Gerais. She has been studying the master's degree in Neuroengineering at the IIN-ELS since 2016, with a dissertation defense scheduled for the beginning of the second half of 2018.
The new employee of the IFRN considers that the academic career tends to naturally direct towards teaching: “the master's degree matures the person not only in the scientific sense, but also in the human sense. And we discovered so many things, so many possibilities for transformation, that there is a need to pass this on in the form of education, not just technical content. So I think that the IIN-ELS Master's in Neuroengineering gave me this maturity and this vision, in the certainty that I want to be a researcher and also an educator through what I research”, explains Camille.

Brain-Machine Interface for amputees
The future master develops a project, still in the prototype phase, using the Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) method to trigger an upper limb prosthesis made in a 3D printer and that can be used by patients with upper limb amputations. Camille sees this as an opportunity to be able to make this type of technology cheaper: “This does not mean that at the end of my master's degree I will be able to deliver a finished product ready to go to the user, but as a research, this is certainly a first step of this type of research. ICM that we are testing”, says the master's student. From this she says it is possible to observe whether the device is able to respond, in real time, to the user's needs to open and close the hand, hold an object and hold it, for example.
Text and photos: Ariane Mondo / Ascom – ISD
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Social organization that maintains ties with the Ministry of Education (MEC) and whose mission is to promote education for life, forming citizens through integrated teaching, research and extension actions and to contribute to a fairer and more humane transformation of the Brazilian social reality.