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Science is driven by questions in search of solutions. Innovative ideas motivate transformative research. And it is these questions and ideas that the International Institute of Neurosciences Edmond and Lily Safra, from the Santos Dumont Institute (IIN-ELS/ISD), wants to reveal through NeuroTalks, a totally online and free platform for the discussion and presentation of ideas about different areas within neuroscience.

The platform will work on this page of the ISD website and on a special playlist on the Santos Dumont Institute channel on YouTube. It will gather videos and abstracts submitted by researchers, undergraduate students, master's and doctoral students from the Institute itself and from other institutions.

The intention is to present the ideas and motivations of research in development or already finalized, mainly in video form. The productions selected by the examining board will be made available to the public.

For the IIN-ELS manager and research coordinator at the Institute, Edgard Morya, the initiative is innovative and functions as a 'permanent congress'. “NeuroTalks will be a scientific dissemination platform similar to a congress, what changes is that we do not need to wait the whole year to learn about innovative works, it is a kind of virtual and permanent congress where research on various topics within neuroscience will be presented”, Morya explains.

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Go to discussion and presentation platform of ideas about the various areas within neuroscience.