The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) is open to receive visitors interested in getting to know the research facilities and exhibition space of the International Institute of Neurosciences Edmond and Lily Safra (IIN-ELS), one of its units located in the municipality from Macaíba (RN).
Visits can take place in Wednesday morning or in Thursday afternoon, and must be previously scheduled.
The purpose of the visits is to present the Institute, not to discuss project proposals. If you would like to discuss a project in more detail, please contact one of our researchers at link.
Aerial image of the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neurosciences (IIN-ELS), in Macaíba (RN). Photo: Canindé Soares.
Visit of children and adolescents from Parnamirim to the ISD during the 2022 National Science and Technology Week. Photo: Ascom ISD
Visit of children from the Capoeiras Quilombola Community, from Macaíba (RN), to the ISD in 2021. Photo: Ascom ISD
Children and teenagers from the RN public network visit the ISD during the 2021 National Science and Technology Week. Photo: Ascom ISD.