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VII Brazilian Congress of Neuromodulation and XI Symposium of Neuroengineering

VII Brazilian Congress of Neuromodulation and XI Symposium of Neuroengineering

VII Brazilian Congress of Neuromodulation and XI Symposium of Neuroengineering

VII Brazilian Congress of Neuromodulation and XI Neuroengineering Symposium

O Neuroengineering Symposium aims to stimulate and expand scientific, technological and extension production in translational and interdisciplinary research; and to provide and encourage technical, scientific and academic cooperation in the NE region, mainly by providing an interdisciplinary laboratory structure open to postgraduate programs from Brazil and abroad. In addition to its scientific and technological character, this symposium has also been an important agent in stimulating the participation of high school students from public schools in the region.

The relevance of this symposium lies in the growing need for solutions for nervous system disorders, accessible and effective assistive technologies, and especially for interdisciplinary professionals in the context of the SUS and the Health Industrial Economic Complex. This symposium provides a discussion among several professionals from different areas, not only about science and technology, but also about innovation, entrepreneurship, and inclusive and innovative policies. With a reach that has gone beyond the borders of the Northeast region, this symposium has evolved to have a national and international reach, attracting participants from various areas. To achieve this relevance and scope, we have recognized speakers, presented papers evaluated by the scientific committee, published abstracts in proceedings, and made the lectures available on free digital media channels (YouTube).

This symposium promotes interdisciplinarity in line with the research lines of several postgraduate programs in Brazil, such as interdisciplinary, neuroscience, medicine, engineering, among others. This ensures that the topics covered in each edition contribute directly to the training of postgraduate students and to the advancement of knowledge in these areas. In 2025, the symposium will be held together with the largest Neuromodulation congress in Brazil, further stimulating translational research.

Event Contribution

Professionals will have the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in neuroengineering and neuromodulation. With lectures and courses focused on areas such as neuromodulation, neurosurgery, artificial intelligence, modeling and data analysis in neuroscience, participants will be able to acquire practical skills that can be directly applied to their professional and research activities. This technical training contributes to improving clinical and engineering practices, increasing the capacity to implement modern technologies.

The symposium promotes interaction between professionals from various fields, such as physicians, physiotherapists, biomedical engineers, occupational therapists, materials researchers, and the private sector. This collaborative environment facilitates the formation of professional networks, stimulating partnerships for future projects, academic cooperation, and exchanges of experience that enrich the work of each participant in their field, including creating opportunities for new ventures. By addressing the challenges and advances in the development of assistive technologies, the event inspires professionals to think of new solutions for the needs of people with disabilities in Brazil. This strengthens the capacity of professionals to create technologies that improve accessibility and promote social inclusion, serving both the public sector (such as SUS) and the private market.

Participating in lectures and interacting with national and international researchers allows professionals to learn about the results of recent studies, expanding the scientific basis of their practices. The opportunity to present their own studies, work and innovations gives them the chance to directly contribute to the advancement of knowledge, sharing their experiences and challenges. The symposium will provide a space for dialogue with representatives from the public sector (such as health and research managers) and the private sector (neurotechnology industries).

Target Audience

Undergraduate and postgraduate students, basic education teachers, researchers, professionals, companies and investors in the health sector.


Médico: Sócio - 500 reais Não sócio - 1.000 reais Membro da International Neuromodulation Society - 900 reais Profissional da Área da Saúde, Engenheiros, Médico em treinamento Sócio - 250 reais Não Sócio - 500 reais Membro da International Neuromodulation Society - 300 reais Profissional da Área da Saúde em treinamento Sócio - 125 reais Não Sócio - 250 reais Membro da International Neuromodulation Society - 300 reais Aluno de graduação Sócio - 250 reais Não Sócio - 500 reais Membro da International Neuromodulation Society - 300 reais Empresas - 1.000,00 reais

Values for Doctor:

Partner – 500 reais; Non-member – 1,000 reais

Values for Healthcare Professionals, Engineers, Doctors in training*:

Member – 250 reais; Non-member – 500 reais

Healthcare Professional in training*:

Member – 125 reais; Non-member – 250 reais

Undergraduate student

Member – 250 reais; Non-member – 500 reais

Values for Companies – 1,000.00 reais

Fees for members of the International Neuromodulation Society – 900 reais for doctors and 300 reais for others


*Residents, stricto sensu postgraduate students fall into the categories Doctor in training It is Healthcare Professional in Training

Submission of scientific papers

Início de submissão - 04 de março Encerramento de submissão - 30 de junho Divulgação dos resultados - 22 de julho


Submission of papers

Submission start – March 4th

Submission deadline – June 30th

Results Announcement – July 22

  • Alexander Okano
  • Arthur Cukiert
  • Edgard Morya and
  • Felipe Fiuza
  • Hougelle Simplicio
  • Leandro da Costa Lane Valiengo
  • Marcel Simis
  • Tatiana Von Hertwig Fernandes de Oliveira Kumer
  • James
  • Adinan Al-Kaisy https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Adnan-Al-Kaisy
  • Alexandre Moreira http://lattes.cnpq.br/5655930868903498
  • Alexandre Okano http://lattes.cnpq.br/9586370984131426
  • Andre Brunoni http://lattes.cnpq.br/7121719876219621
  • Bernard of Monaco http://lattes.cnpq.br/7644959711607718
  • Catarina Couras Lins http://lattes.cnpq.br/8787579147684261
  • Clement Hamani http://lattes.cnpq.br/7392469068417736
  • Daniel Benzecry de Almeida http://lattes.cnpq.br/2649176107382275
  • Eduardo Alho http://lattes.cnpq.br/5790041213824312
  • Emerson Oliveira http://lattes.cnpq.br/6590844201950166
  • Fernanda Rodrigues https://www.linkedin.com/in/fernandarodriguesb/
  • Jan Vesper https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jan-Vesper
  • Julie Pilitsis https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=26eI3U4AAAAJ&hl=en
  • Kenny Wynants https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kenny-Wynants
  • Konstantin Slavin https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Konstantin-Slavin
  • Leandro Valiengo http://lattes.cnpq.br/3533295664375456
  • Osvaldo Vilela http://lattes.cnpq.br/7903136671335664
  • Rafael Carbunaru https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rafael-Carbunaru
  • Robert Levy https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Robert-Md-2
  • Rodrigo Pegado http://lattes.cnpq.br/3462462933163509
  • Sergio Pampin https://pampin.com.ar/cv/
  • Suellen Andrade http://lattes.cnpq.br/6437799927471735
  • Tatiana Von Hertwig Fernandes de Oliveira Kumer http://lattes.cnpq.br/2804171092103534
  • Tiago Freitas http://lattes.cnpq.br/4534713495917332

Email: atendimento.amandarochaeventos@gmail.com

WhatsApp: (84) 99698-6043 or (84) 99689-1313 

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IX Neuroengineering Symposium (2023) – CLICK HERE

VIII Neuroengineering Symposium (2022) – CLICK HERE

VII Neuroengineering Symposium (2021) – CLICK HERE

VI Neuroengineering Symposium (2019) – CLICK HERE

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