Science Education Centers

Science Education Centers

Science Education Centers

For more than 10 years in the Brazilian Northeast, the Science Education Centers (CECs) from the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD).

The general objective is to develop a project that promotes Science Education for primary school students, in order to offer and disseminate the exercise of scientific training that is not available to all sectors of our society, and thus contribute to the process of Social inclusion

The assumption is to continuously offer students a constructive space for meaningful learning of science content, universally recognized, essential to the formation of citizens aware of their roles as agents of transformation.

Students from the Science and Robotics workshop at CEC Serrinha during a study of the environment.
Students from the Science and Technology workshop at CEC Macaíba during the Student Work Exhibition.

The contents taught are closely related to the students' lives, favoring the diversity of ideas and the understanding of reality. Such contents are worked on in different workshops: robotics, biology, history, arts, technology, physics, communication, environment and chemistry.

Integrate CECs science education workshops 1,400 students per year in its three units: Natal-RN, Macaíba-RN and Serrinha-BA.  A fourth unit in the city of Caxias-MA it is administered by the Government of the State of Maranhão, under the pedagogical assistance of the ISD.

CEC workshops are held at the regular public school, without dividing classes by age groups. Each student participates in two workshops a year, two days a week. There is no selection to be part of the CECs: the prerequisite is to study at public school system, from the 6th to the 9th year of Elementary School II.

Some external visitors during the Exhibition of Works by CEC Natal students.
Student at CEC Natal's Science and Communication Workshop after experimenting with light painting


Part of the CEC Natal team
CEC Macaíba team
CEC Serrinha team

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