IX Neuroengineering Symposium

IX Neuroengineering Symposium

IX Neuroengineering Symposium

The 9th edition of the Santos Dumont Institute’s International Neuroengineering Symposium will take place

from October 16 to 19 of 2023, in a hybrid format.

The call for abstracts, papers, tutorials and challenges is now open.

  • Accepted abstracts (in English/Portuguese) and regular full papers (in Portuguese) will be published in the Annals of the Neuroengineering Symposium.
  • Only accepted regular full papers in English will be published in the International Federation of Medical and Biological Engineering (IFMBE) proceedings Series.
  • Furthermore, relevant accepted full paper submissions in English will be invited to publish an extended original papers to the following two journals: Journal of Physiology and IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.
Chairs and committees

Prof. Dr. Denis Delisle Rodriguez, Professor from the Postgraduate Program in Neuroengineering (ISD)

Prof. Dr. Caroline Cunha do Espírito Santo, Professor from the Postgraduate Program in Neuroengineering, ISD

  • Prof. Dr.Abner Cardoso Rodrigues Neto, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. André Felipe Oliveira de Azevedo Dantas, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Andressa Radiske, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Edgard Morya, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr.Fabricio Lima Brasil, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Felipe Porto Fiuza, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Maria Carolina Gonzalez, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Ramon Hypolito Lima, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Hougelle Simplício Gomes Pereira, Professor from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Mariana Ceci de França Silva, Communication, ISD, Brazil
  • Naomi Lamarck, Communication, ISD, Brazil
  • Marcelo Pacheco de Carvalho, Project Management and Institutional Assessment, ISD, Brazil
  • Seidi Yonamine Yamauti, Master in Neuroengineering, Brazil
  • Aline Roberta Xavier da Silva, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • André Felipe Correia de Oliveira, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Andrezza Luiza Silva Viana, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Anna Karoline Almeida Soares, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Bruna Larissa De Freitas Viana, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Cícera Bruna, Psicóloga, Voluntária no ISD, Brazil
  • Douglas Marsicano Dunga, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Emille Rayanne Arruda Alves, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Ericka Raiane da Silva Serafini, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Gerôncio Oliveira da Silva Filho, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Gilberto Thiago Pereira Tavares, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Guilherme Henrique Viana, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Hellen Castro, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Izadora Medeiros Oliveira, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Jhulia Thaysa Macena Da Costa, MSc. student from PPN, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Abner Cardoso Rodrigues Neto, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Alberto López Delis, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Prof. Dr. André Felipe Oliveira de Azevedo Dantas, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Andrés Felipe Ruiz Olaya, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Colombia
  • Prof. Dr. Andressa Radiske, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Carlos Diaz Novo, Universidad Tecnológica, Uruguay
  • Prof. Dr. Caroline Cunha do Espírito Santo, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Cecilia Villa Parra, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador
  • Prof. Dr. Cynthia Katche, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Prof. Dr. Denis Delisle Rodriguez, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Didia Carrillo Hernandez, Universidad Tecnológica de León, México
  • Prof. Dr. Edgard Morya, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Fabricio Lima Brasil, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Felipe Porto Fiuza, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Fernando da Silva Fiorin, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Gabrielle Girardeau, Sorbonne Université, France
  • Prof. Dr. Hougelle Simplicio, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Janine Rossato, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos Alvarez Alvarez, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
  • Dr. Larissa Coutinho De Lucena, Santos Dumont Institute, Brazil
  • Dr. Libak Abou, University of Michigan, USA
  • Prof. Dr. Manuel Santos Silva, Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência, Portugal
  • Prof. Dr. Maria Carolina Gonzalez, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Mariane Souza, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Mario Fernando Jimenez Hernandez, Universidad del Rosario, Colombia
  • Prof. Dr. Mauro Callejas Cuervo, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
  • Prof. Dr. Ramon Hypolito Lima, ISD, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Roberto Sagaro Zamora, Universidad de Oriente, Cuba
  • Prof. MSc. Ruthber Rodriguez Serrezuela, Corporación Universitaria del Huila, Colombia
  • Prof. Dr. Teodiano Freire Bastos Filho, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brazil
  • Prof. Dr. Thiago Luiz Russo, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil
Confirmed lectures and tutorials

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