O Instituto Santos Dumont tem como principais ações de extensão o Projeto Neurogenic bladder, que atua na tecnologia em Saúde no tratamento da bexiga e intestino neurogênicos, o Projeto big belly, que atua na estratégia interprofissional de cuidado pré-natal na Comunidade Quilombola de Capoeiras, a Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia and the Brain Week, que promove ações periodicamente.
Achievements of extension projects
21ª SNCT reúne mais de mil alunos em três dias de programação
Barriguda action wins award in Paraguay
Wins award from the Pan American Health Organization and the National Health Council
The year the project started, since then there have been no more cases of eclampsia or maternal deaths in the Community.
The extension actions of the Santos Dumont Institute are the Project Neurogenic bladder, which operates in health technology in the treatment of neurogenic bladder and bowel and the Project big belly, which operates in the interprofessional strategy of prenatal care in the Quilombola Community of Capoeiras.
Achievements of extension projects
Barriguda action wins award in Paraguay
Wins award from the Pan American Health Organization and the National Health Council
The year the project started, since then there have been no more cases of eclampsia or maternal deaths in the Community.
The Journey of Multiprofessional Intervention in the Neurogenic Bladder acts in innovation and technology in Health in the treatment of the neurogenic bladder and intestine. Neurogenic Bladder (BN) comprises the inability to control the act of urination due to a dysfunction or disease of the central or peripheral nervous system.
The first edition of the Journey took place in 2017, in partnership with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The target audience includes professionals, undergraduate and graduate students and researchers from different areas of health who assist patients with this disorder.
The Barriguda Project is an action-research to implement an interprofessional care strategy in prenatal care for Quilombola Community Capoeira. The project seeks to meet the needs of this population, respecting the values, knowledge, knowledge and local culture.
The services are carried out weekly in the community itself and are preceded by interprofessional health education activities that use light technologies and value the historical and cultural recovery quilombola.
Barriguda refers to the way in which the Capoeiras Community refers to the Baobá, a tree of African origin revered by the quilombola culture, which represents the location of the former quilombos in the region.
Since 2015, the year the project started, there were no more cases of eclampsia or maternal deaths in the Quilombola Community of Capoeiras.
The Science Fair and Scientific Exhibitions is held with the support of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and is part of the National Science and Technology Week. The event is held annually at the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience (IIN-ELS), a unit of the Santos Dumont Institute in Macaíba.
ISD Brain Week 2024 provided elementary and primary school students from the public school system in Macaíba with the opportunity to unravel the mysteries of the brain and learn about the world of neuroscience.
Highlights in Extension
Av. Alberto Santos Dumont, No. 1560
Rural Area / CEP 59288-899
Macaíba/RN – Brazil
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The Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa Alberto Santos Dumont is a Social Organization qualified by the Ministry of Education, through Presidential Decree of February 27, 2014.
@isdnarede / +55 (84) 99142-1726