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Management Contract Reports

Management Contract Reports

Management Contract Reports

The Santos Dumont Institute (ISD) has a Management Agreement (GC) as Ministry of Education (MEC), which aims to define action strategies to fulfill the institution's mission as a Social Organization that executes public policies, whose impact is measured through performance indicators and targets agreed between the ISD and the MEC.

Every six months, the Institute publishes a report on the execution of projects and activities, with the aim of reporting to the ISD Board of Directors, the supervisory body and society. Access the Execution Reports of the ISD Management Contract with the MEC below:

One Management Contract Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (CAACG) constituted by the MEC (composed of specialists in ISD's areas of activity) every six months evaluates compliance with the goals agreed in the ISD contract, proposing the next objectives to be pursued and recommending corrective actions when necessary. Below you can view the CAACG-MEC Reports:

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